
The International Days of Macroeconomics and Finance (JIMF) are organized by:

  • Mustapha Ziky, Professor, University Cadi Ayyad, Marrakech, Morocco
  • Abdessamad Saidi, Director of Research, Bank Al-Maghrib, Morocco
  • Aleksander Berentsen, Professor, BCE and University of Basel, Switzerland

The JIMF are sponsored by the INREDD research group of the University Cadi Ayyad, the Research Department of Bank Al-Maghrib and the Bernoulli Center for Economics of the University of Basel.

The research group INREDD (Innovation, Responsibility and Sustainable Development) is an accredited research team located in the Department of Economics of the Cadi Ayyad University of Marrakech. INREDD brings together several researchers and experts with different skills and sensitivities, with complementary approaches ensuring the multi-disciplinarity required for an appropriate analysis of issues of innovation and responsibilities in sustainable development.

Bank Al-Maghrib is the central bank of Morocco. It is composed of various departments including the Research Department. Founded in 1959 as a successor to the Banque d’Etat du Maroc (1906). In addition to conducting monetary policy and managing foreign exchange reserves, Bank Al-Maghrib oversees the banking sector and provides financial advice to the government.

The Bernoulli Center for Economics was founded in 2006 at the University of Basel in honor of Daniel Bernoulli. Daniel Bernoulli is the founder of the Expected Utility Theory which is a cornerstone in modern economics. His famous article ‘Specimen Theoriae Novae de Mensura Sortis’ was published in 1738. Daniel Bernoulli was a professor at the University of Basel in the 18th century. In honour of Bernoulli’s famous research, the Bernoulli Center for Economics invites economists, who have also been involved in path breaking research in economic theory, to hold the Bernoulli Lecture and hosts workshops and seminars to provide a platform for the academic exchange amongst economists.